Even with all the advice here at Personal Finance By The Book, you still managed to overspend this holiday season. It’s not that surprising; one-in-three Americans put their holiday on credit cards. Many more used loans, credit lines, and same-as-cash deals to pay for the big day. And with presents, eating out, travel, and increased […]
How Has The Economy Changed You?
A recent article in Money Magazine provided some interesting statistics. A group of people was asked how they felt the economy would impact their lives. From questions about children to retirement and family life, the results were interesting to read. 53% of Americans aren’t sure their kids will be better off than they are. How […]
Retirement Redefined: 5 Simple Tips You Hadn’t Considered
The traditional view of retirement — working for the same company your entire career and then retiring to draw a lifetime pension — is a thing of the past. Yes, some government workers continue to retire with paid pension plans, but as states and municipalities continue to fight for survival, these pension plans will also […]
A Long Term, High Yield Investment. Guaranteed!
Tell me if you have heard this one, “Hey buddy. Have I got a deal for you! This is a zero risk high yield investment which will pay huge dividends. Guaranteed!” Sleazy and cheesy, huh? But don’t walk away just yet. There really IS such an investment …one that will pay dividends forever! In fact, […]
How to Have a Good Retirement When Things Are Looking Bad
For many Americans, the prospect of a dream retirement is fading. However, those very factors which produce so much gloom can actually make retirement better. Hold that thought as we first examine the bad news about retirement.
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