Buying outdoor gear at regular retail prices can get pretty pricey.
If you’re a seasoned outdoorsman, you know how important it is to have durable, high-quality gear; you don’t want to cheap out and be stuck in a serious situation out in the wilderness with equipment or apparel that isn’t getting the job done.
Luckily for you, if you’re looking for a place to buy good outdoor gear at a discount, there are tons of websites out there that have just that. In this article, we’ll be sharing 8 of the best sites for buying discounted outdoor gear.
Patagonia Worn Wear
Patagonia is one of the best-known outdoor apparel and gear designers, and for good reason; their gear is known for being durable and attractive, and they also use manufacturing practices that are healthier for the environment compared to other companies.
Unfortunately, brand-new Patagonia gear is usually pretty expensive, but the company offers customers a chance to purchase used Patagonia products at a solid discount.
The Worn Wear shop sells pre-owned Patagonia gear that customers have traded in, and they’ll even fix your damaged gear at a discount as well so you can get as much life out of it as possible.
REI Outlet

For deals on closeout items or out-of-season outdoor gear, the REI Outlet is a great site to check out. The REI Outlet is the discount version of Seattle-based REI Co-op, and they sell surplus REI gear from the previous season at bargain prices.
All of the gear available at the REI Outlet also comes with a one-year return policy, just like the regular REI Co-op store.
If you just want some solid gear and you’re not too concerned about having the absolute newest stuff, the REI Outlet is a great place to shop.
Steep and Cheap
If you’re looking for a site to buy discounted items from a wide variety of brands, Steep and Cheap has you covered. Like the REI Outlet, Steep and Cheap sells gear that is either out of season or in an unpopular size or color.
Through Steep and Cheap, you can find massive discounts on items from a range of popular brands, including Arc’teryx, Patagonia, and The North Face, among others.
Steep and Cheap will also match the price of any item in their current inventory if you find another vendor selling the same item for cheaper.
Evo is a Seattle-based company that primarily sells winter gear and mountain bikes, although they do sell some camping gear like tents and sleeping bags as well.
Like other sites on this list, Evo frequently offers discounts on out-of-season items, and in its Sales section, you’ll find plenty of deals for a variety of gear.
Evo is also committed to offering its customers the best deal possible on any item they have in stock. If you can manage to find the same item that Evo sells on a competitor’s site for a lower price, Evo will beat that price by 5%. is actually the parent company of Steep and Cheap, and like Steep and Cheap, they sell and distribute a variety of products from a wide array of major brands.
While is not specifically a discount store, they do have a frequently updated sales section.
You can find great deals on apparel with previous-season colors, and also offers free shipping on all orders within the U.S. that are $50 or more.
The Clymb
If you’re not satisfied with last season’s colors and you really want to find brand-new gear for a discount, you might want to check out The Clymb.
However, The Clymb differs from the other sites on this list in that they specialize in flash sales.
While The Clymb is a great place to get new gear for cheap, the downside is that their sales don’t tend to last very long (usually around 72 hours).
Most of their sale items are also only available in very limited quantities, so you really have to keep a close eye on what’s on sale if you want to score a good deal on an item you want.
Additionally, The Clymb is only available to registered site members; you can’t access any of their inventory as a regular browser.
Registering for the site is free, but for some, having to register for the site just to browse its inventory may be a bit of a dealbreaker.
Who could forget Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer? Amazon sells basically everything, including outdoor gear and apparel.
If you’re looking for high-end or specialty items, Amazon might not be the best place to do so, but they do offer a huge selection of more entry-level equipment.
Perhaps the main downside of Amazon is that they don’t always provide sizing information or detailed product specs for their items, so it can sometimes be hard to tell if a certain product will be worth your money (although the user reviews can sometimes give you an idea of what to expect).
Plus, if you sign up for an Amazon Prime account, you can claim expedited shipping for many items.

Finally, Moosejaw is an all-around solid site for buying discounted items from a variety of brands.
Like a couple of the other sites on this list, Moosejaw will match the price of any one of their products that a competitor also sells (except for sites like eBay and Amazon).
In terms of what they have on sale, Moosejaw sells equipment for pretty much any kind of outdoor activity, whether it’s climbing, hiking, camping, or biking.
They also have a rewards program through which you can claim up to a 10% discount on any item you buy (excluding items that are already discounted).
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