If you are too busy every day to figure out which chores still need to be done and which person should do each task, it is time to organize your household’s chores.
A chore chart is an excellent way to keep track of the household and each person’s responsibilities.
Sometimes simply having a routine can help you not feel so overwhelmed. This is why creating a chore chart is a necessity. Not only does giving kids a chore list help you out around the house, but it also teaches responsibility.
Even if you are not busy 24/7 and can complete every task in the household, it is still a good idea to delegate chores to your family members. This will save you time and ensure that things are fair.
Figure out how often you want each task completed
You want to first figure out what needs to be done every day, every week, and every month. Some of these are obvious. You should feed the dog every day, dust every week, clean your shower every month, etc.
You also want to know roughly how long it takes to complete each chore.
Assign chores
Assigning chores is necessary to ensure everything gets done the way you want.
When you are assigning each person a chore, keep in mind the chores each person is good at or even enjoys doing. Make sure each person has tasks they can handle.
Ensure that the chores you choose for each of your kids are appropriate for their age. Younger children should be assigned easier chores. As they get older, these chores should become a little harder.
To divide chores fairly, you can let each person choose their tasks. Always be open to communication with each family member and show your appreciation for a job well done.
Give your kids a break
It is a good idea to leave one day a week, for you, your spouse, and your kids, with no chores.
For example, you can make Sunday a free day. It doesn’t have to be the same day for each person. This will give some flexibility to the schedule.
Use different methods
Start with a simple chore organizing system as a written list of tasks to be done by each person. If this works and keeps everyone accountable, you can continue to use it. If it isn’t working, try other systems.
Every family is different. If the system you chose is not working the way you want, try something else. You can create a customized chore system or borrow ideas from the Internet.
If your child has not learned to read, you may have to get creative with the chore chart. You can draw pictures of the cleaning task instead of writing out the words.
Hang it up
Once you create your chore schedule, hang it up in a place that each family member sees daily. A commonplace to put the chore list is on the refrigerator.
Remember to keep a file saved on your computer or an extra copy of the chore list in case it gets damaged.
There are many benefits of having an organized system to delegate chores.
- It teaches kids responsibility and life skills as well as teamwork if they work with a sibling on certain chores.
- Perhaps the best reason to create a chore chart is that it takes some of the workload off parents.
A chore chart doesn’t have to just be a simple to-do list. It is a chance to get creative and get kids involved in household responsibilities. Once you find a system that works, you can rest easy and not feel so overwhelmed.
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